HOLY SHIT! On the Right to have a Toilet & Innovative Sewage Recycling - Next Library

HOLY SHIT! On the Right to have a Toilet & Innovative Sewage Recycling

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Ignite Talk

From my international journalistic research SDG 6b – everybody’s right to have a toilet – is a key goal among the 17 SDGs. Somehow, it’s the hardest one to talk about too. I have developed a provocative, but playful way to overcome the loo taboo. My interactive workshop HOLY SHIT! is rethinking poo and pee as energy sources. It inspires library visitors of all generations and cultural backgrounds to curiously research into and to contribute to ecological change and toilets for everybody based on their own experiences and knowledge. Don’t be shy to attend! It’s not gonna be a dirty talk.

HOLY SHIT! is also present in the expo area : with a variety of international toilet accessories, selected photographs, a recycling throne and other interactivities.



Annette Wagner, Bremen, Germany.

Being a documentary filmmaker and journalist for 30 years I am deeply interested in getting to know other people and answering fundamental questions: How does this new – e.g.: technology, medicine, community concept – work? Is it improving living conditions for mankind, animals and nature? For five years, my communicative passion has moved from publishing in TV, newspapers and online, to creating interactive formats that incite joyful encounters and conversations between citizens in public spaces – and create an understanding that shapes their world.


Time and place

Date: May 15, 2023
Time: 10:30 - 12:30
Room: Main Hall


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